Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Discussion Meeting

Today, I met with different individuals which were working on their project alone or in a group. We all shared our idea's for our projects and helped each other brainstorm and gave constructive criticism to help everyone construct a well produced short film.


Julian is working alone. He still does not have a main plot but he is looking to make an action scene with around 3 characters. With the group we explained that "action" is a very broad topic and we helped him narrow down his idea. He wants his main character fleeing the scene of a robbery. I suggested he watch the opening scene of the movie Baby Driver as that film begins with a group of delinquents escaping a robbery which may give him inspiration for his film. 


Elisa is working in a group. Her groups is looking to do a horror/thriller film. They are looking to do horror focusing on the supernatural. She is looking to start the scene with a missing poster of a girl. The missing poster catches the attention of the male main character which leads him into the woods to look for the missing girl. They are going to avoid showing the supernatural creature but insinuate its presence with sounds and by dragging the character out of frame at the end, leading him to go missing as well. Her group doesn't know where they want to film yet as their original idea of Markham park location wont work because they cant be in the park after sunset. They are looking to see if Regional Park is good enough for their vision to come to life. We helped convince her of the movie name she was unsure about. Her groups project will be called Amber Alert and something she mentioned that intrigued me was the groups idea to add the amber alert sound at the beginning of the film during the introduction of their made up production company logo.  


Robby is working alone. Robby had the overall idea of a complete movie and we helped him figure out how he could introduce his idea with only two minutes. He is looking to make teen comedy set in the early 2000s with a male lead. His character was not popular in high school but after he throws his first high school party while his parents are out of town, he gains massive popularity. The film follows the the character hide the fact that he had a party from his parents while also trying to balance and keep his popularity as the party guy. Diary Of a Whimpey Kid inspired his project as well as Isabelle and I recommend that Robby watch Project X because his project idea is very similar to that film. To introduce his idea in two minutes we suggested that film the main character cleaning up his house the morning after the party quickly before his parents get home. Robby mentioned he wants to include 2000s nu metal music into the aesthetic of the film titling it "After Party".


Isabelle is working in a group. Their film idea focuses on a doctor who is crazy and suffers from munchausen syndrome and makes his patients more and more sick. Every time the doctor injects or gives a patient a pill he is not supposed to, he puts a marble in a jar. He has a collection of jars with all of his patients names and adds marbles to the jar of each patient he treats. The short film will end with the doctor walking out of the hospital nonchalantly suggesting he's a normal neighborhood doctor as he greats everyone. The title Isabelle and her group agreed on is "One More Marble" they are looking to film it in one of the group members garage. 

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