The way I approached this project is by thinking of a whole movie plot in order to establish an intriguing introduction to the movie.
My movie would be called "April Fools" as it focuses on a group of teenage girls that every year take April Fools pranks very seriously. This group of four girls have an old home made contract from when they originally planned their game including the rules and regulations. The rules state that the first week of April is prank war. In order for pranks to count they must be videotaped. Group members may team up but the points earned would be split. At the end of the week the person with the most points wins. The points earned vary from how complex a prank is to how often you prank someone.
In this film this final year one of the group members dies because of one of the pranks pulled. Throughout the film the audience follows the mystery of the girls death. Was it murder? Was it suicide? Did one of the girls do it? Was there a motive?..etc.
From my researched I have noticed that most action and suspense films begin in the middle of a sticky situation. For example Baby Driver 2017 by Edgar Wright the film begins with the protagonist and a group of mutuals escaping from the police after robbing a bank. This highly adrenaline first clip keeps the audience intrigued. I plan to do something similar by showing the teenage girls hands preparing a prank glancing over at the contract they made making sure they are following the rules. The way I plan in filming these shots of the girls preparing a prank is through various close up shots from different perspectives. The teen girls may make comments here or there but the music is going to be most prominent in the film. Finally, the scene will end with a slow zoom out of the group of girls hanging out to a zoom out of a tom on fake blood peaking through the bottom of the bathroom door. My idea for this film is to start from the end and retrace steps to figure out the end result.
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